Chris Scud
Body Transformation Coach
Chris is renowned for his epic body transformations, creating superhero physiques and achieving significant physical change. His Body Transformation program is designed to build as much muscle naturally as possible, in the shortest amount of time, and with the least effort.
While most people spend hours daily in the gym to look their best, Chris has developed science-based tools to achieve the same, if not better, results in just 10 minutes a day.
His body transformation program combines his signature 10-minute workouts, behavioural coaching, nutritional advice, and the use of fat-melting machines. He uses these techniques to help you achieve the body of your dreams.
“I keep my programs effortless. After completing my program, people are more attractive, feel better about themselves, and like themselves more. I completely change lives.”

Do as many pushups on one day and as many squats as you can do on another day. Do this for 30 days straight.
Training consistently at home or in the gym and eating around 150 grams of protein a day will build you an amazing body you can be proud of.
The best workouts you can do at home are the basic compound movements like pushups and squats.
Make a list of every food item you eat through out your typical day, circle the most calorie dense foods (eg high fat or sugar like crisps) opt in for lower calorie substitutes. Maintain this for 30 days.
Compound movements like pushups, pull-ups and squats are exercises that build the most muscle in the shortest time.
Add an extra meal per day (300 cal), drink protein shake in between meals and increase the intensity of your workouts by training till absolute failure.
Bent-over row (or pull-ups) 3 sets with max reps each time and pushups 3 sets with max reps. Next day do bodyweight squats 6 sets of 10-12 reps.