It is one of the most common complaints about dental patients around the world, and it is that of dental sensitivity or discomfort when consuming hot or cold beverages and foods.
There are many treatments for dental sensitivity but these tend to involve using toothpaste designed to build up the enamel, or in more extreme cases, it can involve the fitting of a root canal which is not exactly on anyone’s bucket list.
Luckily, there is a way that you can beat dental sensitivity with a simple procedure known as porcelain laminates, which is great if you also want to improve the way your smile looks in photos (and who doesn’t?).
At DRMR, we are aware of how versatile veneers London can be and how, while they are considered a cosmetic procedure, they can also change the life of patients who suffer from excessive dental sensitivity.
In this short guide, our team at DRMR will talk about how veneers London can help with dental sensitivity and how you can aim to prevent dental sensitivity long term, so read on and enjoy!
What are sensitive teeth?
It is important to explore as a first step to explore what causes teeth to be sensitive.
In most cases, it is due to the presence of microscopic holes in the enamel, which allow hot or cold stimuli to reach the pulp causing discomfort when you consume icy beverages or hot food. As mentioned before, there are options available for you to build up the enamel on your teeth using toothpaste and varnishes but this is a short-term solution for most people and it may be worth looking into veneers London if you have had enough of skipping out on ice cream in the summer or hot chocolate in the winter.
How can laminates help with sensitivity?
Following on from the example of dental sensitivity being caused by holes in the enamel, it is easy to see why laminates would be beneficial. In short, they are a shield covering the holes and the enamel against the external stimuli in the mouth which will act as a more long-term solution against dental sensitivity.
They are also hardy and do not wear away in the same way as varnishes do and you do not have to wait for the laminates to build up the enamel for them to work, so they are also time-saving.
The result is a correctly fitted set of laminates that you should be able to eat or drink whichever foods you desire, without feeling a twinge. However, if you do notice that there are some sharp discomforting pains when you are eating and drinking after having laminate fitted, you will need to seek advice from our team as one of them may have come from.
Preventing sensitivity with laminates
Of course, it is important to maintain your laminates to ensure that they can continue to provide you with relief against sensitivity. This will include the brushing of your teeth every day, flossing, visiting our team for 6-months check-ups and ensuring that any signs of gum disease are tackled early to prevent the laminate from falling off.